DIAGNodent technology uses a laser diode to inspect the patient's teeth. It compares reflection wavelength against a healthy baseline wavelength to uncover tooth decay. The benchmark reading is taken by aiming the laser onto a healthy enamel tooth surface and then the laser is directed into all suspect areas.
This technology quickly identifies the tiniest bit of tooth decay. DIAGNodent allows for shallower and simpler fillings, more conservation of the tooth structure, and providing a specific means of monitoring suspicious areas without multiple x-rays.

Due to its advanced technology, the Planmeca Intra can meet virtually any imaging need, including film imaging, phosohorous plate imaging, and CCD digital imaging. The Intra provides adjustable kV, mA, and time, thus guaranteeing optimal images for different anatomical conditions and imaging systems.

Planmeca ProMax X-ray unit comply with a multitude of diagnostic requirements: those of endodontics, periodontics, orthodontics, implantology, dental and maxillofacial surgery, and TMJ analysis. The images can be taken anywhere within the maxillofacial region.
Volume sizes can be selected to meet the diagnostic needs without excess radiation outside the area of interest..

The powder jet at the end of the RONDOflex plus tip is surrounded by water. This water spray traps powder particles in, reducing particle overspray and increasing patient and operator comfort without compromising cutting efficiency.
The RONDOflex plus features a unique waterspray surrounding the powder jet. This water spray traps powder particles in, reducing particle overspray as well as increasing patient and operator comfort without compromising cutting efficiency.

Offering the very latest in thermoplastic obturation technology, the Obtura® meets your specific needs. This new model offers even better tactile sensing and ergonomics. Obtura answers the call for gutta percha delivery on demand with a "feel" no other system delivers. By using Obtura in conjunction with SybronEndo's System B, the total fill technique becomes more manageable. Obtura is a predictable instrument for all backfill procedures.

Whitening treatment is completely safe (absolutely neutral to the teeth), as confirmed by numerous scientific studies and takes only about 30 to 50 minutes.
Device to facilitate the development of precision liquid filling root canals with gutta-percha. Allows precise reach the remotest sections of the root canal. With remarkable clarity introduces thermoplastic gutta-percha to the canal and gives the most desirable fill effects. Liquid introduced into the channel is currently the best gutta, available filling material.
Laser therapy is a device designed for a wide range of medical applications, eg in ENT, dentistry, physical medicine, sports or rheumatology. Invisible to the eye infrared radiation (with a wavelength of 905 nm) generated by the laser can perform efficiently, transdermal, non-invasive and non-chemical treatments. In dentistry, laser bio-stimulation is used in a very large number of cases. Reduces healing time of gums after tooth extraction healing and reduce associated pain. It is used for the treatment of mucosal erosions, herpes and in many other cases. Laser beams are completely safe, of course, used by suitably trained staff in our clinic.
Our clinic puts special emphasis on hygiene and sterilization of tools. Taking care of the safety of patients consumed a lot of tools are disposable and recycled after use. Before reusing reusable tools must be disinfected, cleaned and then sterilized. All tools are packed in sterilized packages in a modern autoclave Melag company.
The autoclave is a device essential to the dentist to ensure the sterility of the tools and materials. Moreover, we use the system autodezynfekcji dental units which allows the use of special disinfecting fluids while working chair. This allows the water in the cup, and exits the working tip is sterile and clean. To seat sterile air is supplied to the terminals. For each treatment, we use disposable latex gloves, sometimes changing them several times during the procedure. During the surgical use of disposable surgical clothes and scarves. The office is operated efficient ventilation, which is aimed at removing pollutants from the air. All parts of the equipment which can not be sterilized in autoclaves are washed special preparation.